I am dedicated to helping people create forward movement in their healing journeys. Utilizing ancient traditional native games as a unique method of reintegrating cultural identity by combining therapeutic counselling techniques with traditional elder teachings to create a balanced program…

Testimonials / Impact Statements

Due to the sensitive nature of some issues dealt with, participants were not required to identify themselves.

I enjoyed the workshop, the whole week was bringing something new and helpful to make us smile. It made people open up even though they may not have noticed it. It was our best, most valuable time we’ve spent in a workshop. 


There is more knowledge and wisdom in the community, the workshop brought them out and everyone has a common goal of health and safety.

Female participant – Nisga’a

Signs of Suicide are more clear now.


I learned a lot from this workshop and I hope Mike comes back.


I’m proud to be Native. I like the Culture we have and I’ll never let go of it.


What I liked most about this workshop were the topics, the flow of things from heavy discussions to physical activity. It helped me to understand my feelings and questions regarding the Suicides of loved ones.


The workshop allowed everyone to communicate honestly, it created a trust between us; we all learned a lot and made new friends. It was a great experience and I think it should continue at a community level with the youth, Elders, even possibly children.


It gave me tools to help myself and others, people in need of help. This workshop helped me to express things I could not in the past, a tool I will utilize now and in everyday life.


I liked that I learned a lot about myself and what I can do. The biggest impact on me is that I know I’m not alone in my struggles in life and I can help others through theirs.


I felt that the open sharing was a very important part of the workshop and the learning the students received was very heartwarming.

Vancouver, B.C.

I like that I was allowed to vent and I feel that I am not alone. There was a wide range of people; it was so honest, fun and so full of awareness. I believe that everyone connected so well and it was all positive. I loved the week! I gained many friendships and have given my word that I’ll be there for anyone who needs to talk or if they just need someone to listen. I am so proud of the participants who expressed their thoughts and feelings – especially the work done on grief and loss and all the information about Suicide.

Female; 30-35 years old

I felt that the open sharing was a very important part of the workshop and the learning the students received was very heartwarming.

Vancouver, B.C.

Mike James is a person who cares about Youth and is proud of his heritage and Culture.

Vancouver, B.C.

Thank you Mike! you showed me to be more wise! you’re the best.

Bella Coola Youth

Thank you so much Mike; this experience is so life changing, thank you for this. 

Teniel; Nisga’a

This workshop has opened my my eyes to life, I really needed this. I’m looking forward now, not in the past; I can’t wait to finish school. I’m hoping to change myself and become a better person for myself and my daughter. I feel like I can do anything; this is a great experience. I can’t wait to use the new tools you have given us. Thank you so much Mike. 


Thanks for such a great experience, I left a lot of negative energy behind and got everything off my shoulders, I feel like a new person . Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m going to keep moving on with my new life.


Thank you for teaching us about our Native Culture; I love you; (said with a hug and a kiss on the cheek). 


Council of the Cree Nation of Mistissini

You know Mike, you really made an impact on my life and if you didn’t come here when you did, I can honestly say that I don’t think I would be here today, thank you, you saved my life. 


Mike, you are very good; you had Youth participating that never participate in anything…thank you for coming.

Ashley Iserhoff – Grand Chief

Council of the Cree Nation of Mistissini

Mike, you are really good at what you do; you had 98 preschool and kindergarten students in there and they all sat listening completely attentive, we have a hard time controlling one class and you made it look easy controlling three classes and the kids had a great


It helped me to trust people again and to be there to listen and give advice to each other. I learned more about suicide. 

Female; 36 – 40 years old

“You saved my life” 
